Message From The Owner
Hi there, my name is Ed Beach and I’m the owner of the Premier Check Cashing Stores Checks 2 Cash Inc. My stores are located right off the Garden State Parkway from Middlesex County down to and including Ocean County.
I have been in this business for over 25 years and with Checks 2 Cash Inc. for 13 years. I built these stores and this company with the promise of being like the big banks from 1990’s. A neighborhood store that everyone liked and enjoyed coming to. We know your first and last name, as you know ours. Also all of my employees have been with me for at least 8 years. We are faster than the banks of today and whether you buy a $0.50 money order or cash your check every week we get you in and out in 3 minutes.
You can buy money orders, pay your bills direct, put money on your or our pre-paid card.
Again, thank you for choosing us for these services, as we know there are other options for you out there!
Edward G. Beach
Cash 2 Checks, Inc.